Is my website...flat?.... A journey in website design.
Restaurants are good at avoiding this. Restaurants draw your attention to food items that have the best return for the restaurant. Have...
Is my website...flat?.... A journey in website design.
Is my website clear?
How to get found online.
Why reselling someone is so much harder than getting them the first time.
Europe as the next Silicon Valley: A rebuttal.
How do I know what buyer persona to focus on?
How to avoid people bouncing when they land on your site?
How to start a LinkedIn newsletter
Country spotlight - Moldova
10 things I learned starting a localization business.
How do I sell my product in America? (foolproof)
5 quick tips to improve your landing page before entering a new market.
Estonia has become a tech hub - EstoniaMafia
Building a localization company in public
How to create daily online content.
Selling to the USA
Localizing my website for America